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I dreamed of becoming a great artist, but it was not to be. Yes, I am an artist and will always be, but a quiet artist who just had to make art, with all my heart.

I think God was the first artist. The first creator. He sculpted the hills and mountains, the valleys and river beds. He hung clouds, galaxies and the universe above for our delight. When I create art, I feel like I’m speaking God’s native tongue and like he’s there beside me, ready to give a high five. In fact, it’s like he’s there beside me, watching my heart be poured onto the paper or canvas and he’s smiling and saying, in his own creative way, “well done”. His smile is like a hug. Creating is a language. It’s the words between the lines. It gives us glimpses of something deep in our hearts.

When someone smiles at me, I’m like a puppy who’s tail wags so fast its like an airplane propeller, whirring into a blur. Oh, to be seen.

I’ve slowed, nearly to a stop, in my ambitions, but not in my purpose. I give away smiles.

Tell me…tell me again

Tell me…tell me again

As I age, like an onion, new layers encircle me and become what the world sees.  Layer by layer, it happens.  The me that I started out to be is that little core deep in the center.  It’s that delicate and vulnerable pearl, like the very center of the onion.  All those layers take on the job of protecting the little pearl.  The little girl.  I will always be her.  All the things that the world throws at me and in my path try to distract me, preventing my footfalls from landing where I want them to. Or perhaps those “things” save me from landing my footfalls where I want them to land.

Along the way I encounter someone I see in a YouTube video, or a painting perhaps. I’ve been watching a series of videos called “Reflections of Life”. They inspire and teach me life lessons, giving me pause.  I remember where I meant to go.  What I started out to do.  It’s as though they are able to see through all the layers, bringing me all the way back to that original pearl I started out as.  I feel changed by it and a light shines on the path before me.

There are moments in life that are so sweet, you want to memorize them.  Hold on to them.  Get them out and look at them once in a while to bring them back to you, if only in a fragrant memory.

I can never get enough of such times.  I want to hold onto them, not forgetting a moment or a word.  Sure enough, it begins to fade and I want to call it back and say “tell me…tell me again”.



I have made major changes to my website! Please take some time to look it over.

In the past three years my life has gotten smaller and more compact. I’ve given away, sold, thrown away, and donated nearly everything I own. Yet I’ve never been happier. While my life is small, its also bigger than the wide world because of the people I’ve met, the scenes that take my breath away, the confidence I’ve gained in overcoming obstacles, kindnesses that have been shown to me, and in the friends I’ve made.

As I move into this nomad life, my priorities are changing as I find my purpose and meaning. I’m wanting to accomplish different things. Most important is my desire to share what I’ve learned with others. With you! Its no longer enough to keep it to myself. I don’t just want you to learn how to draw or paint, but more importantly, I want you to learn to do creative things that are just right for you and that let you live in the moment.

I want to teach!

I want to teach!

Reasons to learn to draw and/or paint

  1. I want to help others find out that they can create things that give them delight and purpose. Learning to do some art has so many benefits. The process of learning to draw can help you develop better decision making skills. Betty Edwards, who founded the course called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain talked about that in her book of the same title. Its so true.
  2. Viktor E. Frankl wrote a book called Man’s Search For Meaning and it has sold more than fifteen million copies worldwide. That’s 15 MILLION. He survived life in a World War II concentration camp. He writes that those, in the camp, who had a purpose/meaning, survived. Purpose they wanted to see a loved one or maybe they had been working on a book before being captured and they wanted to finish it. No matter what the purpose, it was something that kept them from giving up. Having a purpose helps all of us keep going.
  3. Learning is good for you. You’re never too old to learn something new. It can make you feel young.
  4. Taking a class to learn some type of art gets you out around other people who are also wanting to learn how to do something creative. You’re like-minded. You’ve found your own kind!
  5. Learning to do art or even how to write can open your eyes to the world around you in a way you never experienced before. Our world is the ultimate painting. The ultimate sculpture. The ultimate story. Making art yourself, puts you right into that story.
  6. Finally, if you don’t give up too soon, you’ll gain a better feeling about yourself and you’ll feel better in general.