One of Those Times
This is it. One of those times that is being etched into my brain and onto my heart.
Its my last day in Washington (state). I leave tomorrow morning early and I take a heart full of good memories. This place has been paradise to me. I’ve been to 47 of 50 states. Hawaii is a paradise for many and it was for me as well, but this time…this three weeks…was paradise of a different kind.

Just now Dan (my son) and I were sitting outside at the wrought iron table. We were surrounded by beautiful trees and lush green grass. Katie has planted all manor of beautiful flowering plants and fruit bearing plants. The sky is a brand new shade of blue; Newborn Blue, I’ll call it. It goes so very well with the greens all around. The air is so full of bird song and the feeders near us had waiting lines for a chance to partake. Its truly a garden paradise. The golf course is right next to the backyard and the massive, fully alive trees protect us from stray golf balls. We ate our sandwiches and talked about all kinds of things. But it was the sitting together, sharing a meal, and talking in general that became “one of those times”. They’re rare and you know one when you experience it. We haven’t gotten to do that in many years. Many. Many upon many. Its a treasure. I’m weeping as I write this because I’m loathe to move on from it and slowly begin to forget every detail of it.

Right now Dan is upstairs participating in a Zoom meeting with co-workers. I can hear his voice and its like sweet music. I’ve enjoyed this whole twenty-one day visit, but there’s just something about this last hour that Dan and I got to share, just us two. I’m writing it here now, because I want to come here and read about it from time to time, to keep it alive.

While I was here, Dan, Hudson (4), Leo (the dog), and I went on a walk in the Grand Forest. It was magical. I would like to have gone there again, but I know I’d get lost.
One Sunday, which just happened to be a record breaking hot day here, we drove to the Pacific Ocean and walked in the shallows. The water was COLD. Yet the air and the sun were almost unbearably hot. It was so nice to watch my family enjoying the beach, the water, and the day. The girls (Aubrey and Lilly) worked on a project in the dry sand near where we were sitting. Later I moved a chair farther from the beach, to sit in a bit of shade. I watched many people. All strangers. Saw how they each made the best of the day at the beach. I listened to conversations near me. I wasn’t eavesdropping, but I was so close, I couldn’t help but hear snippets of conversation. It was a man’s birthday and the others were there to share the day with him. They were all Christians and every now and then they talked about their faith. On the other side of me a young man was sitting in a little stool kind of chair, reading a book. It was a great day.
Its been a perfect three weeks. There has been a mix of busy times, going places times, and relaxing at home times. Hudson and I played a lot of Minecraft. He just likes being with family…doing things with them…being included. Me, too.

When I get back to my apartment, I hope that I will go back with a new layer of myself. I’ll draw it around me close when I’m lonely or sad. It will be a comfort to me, having it. It will be woven with fibers and threads of memories, laughter, conversation, board games, delicious meals, quiet walks with the dog, affection from the cat, Amber, seeing Lilly at her ballet practice, having tea with Aubrey at the tea shop in Winslow, and just being here. Taking time to just be.
2 thoughts on “One of Those Times”
I am so happy you have these precious memories ?????.
My daughter and I were talking one day, a while back, and acknowledged that she and I are Memory Keepers. We also like to find ways to share those memories with each other and others. Not just keep them to ourselves. So, here you are, Sherry…memories from my heart to yours.
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