Introvert Me

I may not speak, but I’m listening and seeing. I hear all that the people around me are saying. Discussing. I see their laughter and how they can smile and talk at the same time. I hear their words. I see them on their faces and in their hearts and I’m happy for them. I admire how easily words come to them. How quickly. I admire their wit. For me the words and the wit will come when the room is empty or perhaps by morning, too late, for now there’s no one to listen. It’s okay.
The ones who take the time to get to know me will experience them, because they know me and understand. They’ll wait. They’ll check in. They’ll give me their words in their time and I’ll give them mine when I can.
I can’t always speak at the moment I need to, because my brain doesn’t work like that. I drink in moments with all of my senses. If I speak my thoughts, will it add or subtract from this moment? I’m not putting words to those questions. They’re just there, in the background. It’s as if my words, at the moment, are in a language I haven’t yet learned and I’m trying to find them and assemble them before the moment has passed and it’s too late. For me it is often too late.
I am an introvert, but I love people. Crowds and noisy places overwhelm me. If I had some quiet time before hand, I’m okay, because I need people and I have to go out into the world to find them. I need conversation. Not the kind that’s like a stone skipping across a pond, with each skip a new topic. I love conversation that explores and dives in, daring to reveal experienced emotions and revelations.
Even though I’m content with my solitude, I recognize the joy of spending time with another human being. As someone who is slow to speak and slow to judge, still I do speak. I can converse. But I must feel safe and heard. Still, I’m okay with just sitting quietly and listening.
If I’m spending time with you and the words are flowing from me freely, it’s because I trust you. This is something that takes time. Congratulations. You did what few have done.
I need people, but one at a time is best. For me, there is nothing finer. Time with a friend is more precious to me than gold or gems. Such moments are treasures and are tucked away in my heart for a long time. Even introverts can become profoundly lonely.

One thought on “Introvert Me”
Your words make the time I spent with you even more special to me. We had such a lovely day enjoying each other’s company and learning how to do the alcohol inks. We were so thrilled with the results. I have to tell you I did try the ornaments and they were not as successful. It did not go well.
I only wish we could have seen each other again while you were here. Unfortunately my daughter needed me. She is still healing from it but very lucky to be here.
I hope your play went well. It sounded like you were enjoying it. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. You are an introvert but a very brave woman. You dare to go out of your comfort zone and go for your adventure. If you think of all the people you have met sling this journey, you should be proud of your success of putting yourself out there. Continue to go your way. I’m lucky to have you as a friend and hope to see you again someday but happy to hear about all your experiences.
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