Dance then wherever you may be

Don’t wait for this or that to be finished. Don’t wait until all your chores are done or all your ducks are in a row. Just in case more ducks get out of the row or more chores replace the old ones…dance now. Dance wherever you may be and whatever may be happening in your life. And…to be even more courageous, dance in spite of everything. Dance when you are in the midst of terrible tribulations. Dance your heart out! Lets dance together. Ready? One and a two and a…(whispers) dance.
4 thoughts on “Dance then wherever you may be”
Very nice…Live..Love..Laugh
As often as possible!
Shelley I just Love this both post. You make me smile my friend.
I’m happy! Thank you! May you always dance, be at peace, and be filled with joy. Its all part of the dance. It will point to Him who is the Lord of the Dance.
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